Sleep & Airway Solutions

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Sleep & Airway Solutions

Wake Up Refreshed

Our treatments can help with sleep apnea, allergies and asthma, bedwetting, crooked
or crowded teeth, hypertension, TMJ and snoring.

north ridgeville staff member shaking hands

The Sleep & Breathing Center of Ohio

We diagnose and treat breathing and sleep disorders caused by airway restriction due to underdeveloped jaws. We can potentially help you with droopy eyes, speech issues, mouth breathing, snoring, TMJ pain, chronic tiredness, frequent sinus issues and allergies.

Our Highly Trained Sleep
& Airway Team

Our doctors have completed extensive training in the identification and treatment of patients suffering from poor sleep, sleep disordered breathing, and obstructive sleep apnea.


We use the SleepImage Adult Ring (SI PO2) for multi-night tracking. We supply the Ring and you simply apply the recorder when going to sleep and start a recording in the SleepImage App, each recording can be stopped at the end of the sleep period if doing multiple night studies.

Common Sleep & Airway Issues

Sleep Apnea

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a serious medical condition that occurs when your air passage becomes temporarily blocked causing breathing to stop several times throughout the night.
During these episodes, the brain
is depleted of oxygen. OSA may increase your risk for heart attack or stroke while also causing you
to spend less time in the deep restorative sleep required for energy and mental sharpness.

common symptoms



High Blood Pressure

Weight Issues



Inability to focus


Weight Gain & Retention

Sleep apnea and the lack of restful sleep have a direct link to weight gain, obesity, and the inability to lose weight. When your body does not receive the rest it needs, it increases the production of Ghrelin, which is the hormone that makes you feel hungry.  Your body also produces less Leptin, which is the hormone that makes you feel satiated. So, your hormones are telling your body it is hungry and never satiated, causing you to eat more than you might typically eat.

Crooked or Crowded Teeth

The most common treatment for crowded and crooked teeth is realignment devices, such as braces or clear alignment trays. However, sometimes the issue goes beyond the teeth and is the result of underdeveloped jaws. When the jaws are not fully developed, there is generally insufficient space for all 32 adult teeth, causing the teeth to crowd and become misaligned. It is common practice to remove the wisdom teeth and sometimes the bicuspids to make room for the remaining teeth. The orthodontic devices then align the teeth, typically pushing them back towards the airway.

Temporomandibular disorders

Temporomandibular disorders are disorders that can develop as a result of improper occlusion between the teeth and jaw, and all the muscles surrounding the jaw in that section of the face. There is a direct connection between obstructive sleep apnea and TMD and these disorders can include teeth grinding, facial area inflammation, jaws which get stuck, and clicking or popping sounds. People afflicted by TMD may find it difficult to chew or feel pain and discomfort when doing so.

& Asthma

Seasonal allergies and asthma are often the result of improper breathing. Proper breathing is through the nose, which filters and humidifies the air you breathe. This filtration process protects your respiratory system, decreasing and preventing airway and lung inflammation.

Snoring and Mouth Breathing

Snoring occurs when a “partial” obstruction, or a constriction of the airway, causes the air you are breathing to become turbulent. That turbulence creates vibration of tissues in the nose or throat that we hear as snoring. The deeper stages of sleep often result in more relaxed tissues that surround the airway, which can increase snoring and potentially create obstructive sleep apnea.

Connect With Us

We look forward to meeting you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.